Oral Steroids

Oral Steroids

There is no doubt about it, oral steroids have a welcomed place in the anabolic steroid family. With their very fast-acting nature, short half-lives and generally very potent nature, oral steroids can often provide the missing link to any successful cycle as well give it an octane boost unlike any other. For many anabolic steroid users the start of a new cycle is an exciting time; looking forward to the impending increase in size or strength is often as exciting for some as Christmas morning is for a little child. If you know anything about the muscle game you understand patience and consistency are two of the biggest factors to success but sometimes patience is asking a lot when excitement takes the leading hand. For this reason, although oral steroids wont provide the long-lasting effects many injectable steroids will, oral steroids will however provide a flame in the front end as well as some benefits throughout. 

Lets be clear and dispel an idea many already have; if you are a male and desire to use anabolic steroids but have a fear or concerns regarding needles, more than likely anabolic steroids are not for you. It is an undeniable fact, anabolic steroids shut down our natural testosterone production therefore when we run a cycle we need testosterone to be part of the cycle. This is not to say we cannot use only oral steroids; you can run a cycle of only oral steroids and see beneficial gains, no question but our rate of success and generally overall well-being is going to surpass the use of oral steroids only if we use them in conjunction with injectable forms, especially testosterone. Let’s be clear and dispel an idea many already have; if you are a male and desire to use anabolic steroids but have a fear or concerns regarding needles, more than likely anabolic steroids are not for you. It is an undeniable fact, anabolic steroids shut down our natural testosterone production therefore when we run a cycle we need testosterone to be part of the cycle. This is not to say we cannot use only oral steroids; you can run a cycle of only oral steroids and see beneficial gains, no question but our rate of success and generally overall well-being is going to surpass the use of oral steroids only if we use them in conjunction with injectable forms, especially testosterone. 

Now that we understand oral steroids are best used when not used alone, without injectable steroids, we can discuss some of the benefits. As mentioned early on, oral steroids can greatly speed up the cycle process; meaning, gains will come much faster than without oral use. With oral steroids such as Anadrol, it is not uncommon for an individual to see a twenty or even thirty pound increase in weight with a mere four weeks of use; take a breath and wrap your head around that number for it is an amazing feat when we really stop to think about it. Granted, with massive gains like this much of it is mere water weight; no one is claiming a thirty pound gain of pure muscle tissue; even so, it is quite a feat. 

Another benefit many oral steroids possess is within their hardening effects or ability to fill an individual out. Many bodybuilders will use oral steroids towards the end of the preparations in order to achieve such results. Oral steroids such as Halotestin are commonly used towards the end of prep in order to provide a much harder physique, while oral steroids such as Anadrol are often used to fill the competitor out right before a show. As you can see, some oral steroids carry with them more than one possible benefit; from our examples of Anadrol we’ve discussed two various forms of application, one providing massive gains in size and one providing a more pleasing look on a bodybuilding stage; two very different applications. 

As is with all forms of anabolic steroids the same rule applies to oral steroids and that is responsible use. It is without a question those who abundantly abuse anabolic steroids inevitably give them a bad name and this “bad name” can be given in a much easier fashion with oral steroids than perhaps any others. Oral steroids are in many cases quite toxic to the liver, they can increase blood pressure dramatically in some individuals and for the already hostile individual increase aggression to means unacceptable. It is very important to keep your oral steroid use to a minimum. In general six weeks of a particular oral steroid is long enough; many will find four week periods to be far more suited. As it should be with all anabolic steroids, keep an eye on your body; consult with your physician on a regular basis to make sure problems do not arise.