AVG Dianabol 10mg


International Brand Name Metandienone
Packing Strength 50 x TABS 10MG
Manufacturer Name AVoGen Lab
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Metandienone also used to be methandrostenolone, is a drug known as androgen and anabolic steroids (AAS) and is typically used under the brand name Dianabol. It is also used in non-medical applications to improve physical and performance. Initially developed by CIBA in 1955, methandienone was commercialized in Germany and the USA. Metandienone was rapidly the first standard AAS used by professional athletes and amateurs as the CIBA Product Dianabol and remained the most common orally active AAS for non-medical purposes.

Metandienone is used by elite athletes, bodybuilders and powerlifters for physical and performance enhancement purposes. The most frequently used AAS is said to be used both today and in history for such purposes. It offers an opportunity to rapidly increase Red Blood Cell development and also enhances protein synthesis. Metandienone allows you to have better recovery rates and burn extra body fat.